
OMG I HAVENT DO ANY POST FOR MONTHS! So hey Im back here. Hi there readers :))

FYI, I sekarang tengah sambung degree dekat UKM, **which Im not expecting to be here**
So lets get started. 

P/S: This is a long posts. Be ready to spent your time reading it :D

"So how's life huh?"

Haha not like what I expected. Mungkin sebab baru first year and still in a phase "Get used to it" .  Lots of things happen back then but Im trying to suite myself here so probably Ill be fine soon. Have packed schedule dari Isnin sampai Sabtu so :)) Kalau nak ajak keluar ajak hari Ahad k haha.

Basically class from Monday to Friday (Morning - Afternoon/Evening (Depends) )

Lepastu every petang ada training touchby (Ragbi sentuh) tapi buat masa sekarang ni jadual pack so aku boleh datang ragbi Isnin dengan Jumaat je sebab skrg tgh busy dengan SUKEM (SUKAN UKM), aku masuk bola baling every selasa - khamis ada latihan sampai lah ke hari tournament nnti phew.

Then Isnin malam ada gamelan (I joined it for fun saja nak release stres belajar sambil sambil learn new things lagipun aku memang ada aim nak masuk gamelan bila dah masuk U. Finally tercapai jugak hasrat aku haha.

Then sabtu ada SUKSIS. (Sukarelawan Polis Siswa Siswi). Basically hari sabtu dari pagi sampai petang my day sangat produktif sebab pagi ada physical training ada mcm fitness pagi pagi I love it! then kawad etc (Masuk SUKSIS then they'll tell you more :DD)

"Nas amik course apa?"

Software Engineering (Multimedia System Development)

Haa panjang kan? Haha senang cerita, course software eng la tapi major multimedia, haa begitulah. Seriously Ive never expected to be in UKM sebab, yela saingan dia tinggi kott. Pastu semua course ada interview so lagi la sengit. My course kitorang kena hantar video resume then upload dekat youtube. Alhamdulillah, Allah ease everything. This is a lot for me serious bersyukur gila dapat IPTA. Yela, sebab certain orang kurang bernasib baik, ada yang tak dapat, ada yang dapat course yang dia tak minat, ada yang result tak ok so tak dapat nak apply course yg dia nak, ada yang nak masuk U sekian sekian tapi tak dapat sebab result & mcm mcm lagi la. So what Ive got today is more than enough. Ill never regret to be here never take this opportunity for granted. Never! Ill do my best! 

You know when people said "Allah has a better plan for you", its true. All you need is be patience and never give up on him bcs he'll never give up on you. I was so down when I was 17 waiting for diplomas, foundations, I havent got any of it except for the matriculation. Idk why Ive been into so many rejections sebab my SPM's result isnt that bad okayyyy. Even my friends yg result cp cp je dari I pun dapat sambung belajar so I felt like a loser ya Allah depressed gila masa tu. Im living in sorrowness hari hari nangis sebab frust tak dapat mana mana tawaran. Sebab course yang aku apply pun bukanlah critical subject sangat lepas je dengan criteria yang dia nak but Idk why it must be like that. Mungkin aku yang salah pilih course and mungkin its not the best for me. Bila dah masuk matrik, dah azam baru target masuk degree and they said matriculation saingan tinggi lepas tu susah nak dapat U kalau result tak okay dapat course lelong **rumors has it**. But Ive survived my one year in matriculation. Alhamdulillah. Walaupun aku tau some people do underestimate my effort bcs aku kat matrik mcm main main asyik tido je kerja tak siap, but who really know the truth right? They dont know how my effort to be here today. Tapi Im proud of all my friends in matriculation Alhamdulillah my classmates semua dapat sambung degree. Proud of you guys!

Chan (UM - Applied Math)
Obam (USM - Material Eng)
Ateh (UTeM - Electric Eng)
'Aina (Unikl - Aviation) *If Im not mistaken
Azani (UniMaP - Environmental Eng)
Tasha (UTHM - Civil Eng)
Huda (UTHM - *tak ingat)
Afiqah (UTHM - IT)
Me (UKM - Software Eng)
Zarif (UKM - Chemical Eng)
Faisal (UiTM - Mechanical Eng) *If Im not mistaken
Danial (UiTM - Electrical Eng) *If Im not mistaken
Shafiq (UiTM - Sc Comp)
Ilyas (UniMap - *tak ingat)
Iskandar (UMP - *tak ingat)
Amir (UMT - *tak ingat)
Haikal (UniTEN - *tak ingat)

We're not that bad right? All the best guyss in your studies! Make our lectures proud!
Sebab masa kat matrik most of the lectures mcm tak expect tinggi la dekat my class sebab katanya kitorang ni antara kelas yang mcm tak okay di mata mereka uhuks but we've proved them that we can do it! Alhamdulillah cant wait to see uguys punya gambar graduation! :DD

Indeed, Allah is the best planner ever! Thank you Allah :*
Despite all those rejections that Ive gone through, all those ups and downs moment, He replaced it into something much much better from any of what Ive wished before. Dulu plan nak sambung muzik dekat UPSI or UiTM, apply early childhood dekat UPSI pun tak dapat, finally I got myself here in UKM one of the top universities in Malaysia. Seriously dulu tak target pun ukm sebab dah mindset mmg takkan dapat punya sebab demand dia tinggi cenggitu haa. Result pun biasa biasa je so nak expect apa kan? Tapi tulah, dah rezeki Allah bagi and this is one of the best achievements that Ive ever had! Tapi nama U takkan bawak ke mana kalau belajar pun lebih kurang je. Thats why I dont want to sia siakan peluang yang ada and try my best here! You guys bila dah masuk degree please concentrate on your study. You're one step closer to a brighter future! Okay lets move on to the next topic.

Basically what I love abt studying here are my college and my faculty. My first year I got Kolej Pendeta Za'ba which I could say it is the best college ever. Satu bilik dua orang and indeed the space agak terhad tapi selesa la perabot pun still baru lagi my room tu I baru orang kedua yang guna all those furnitures. Ada washing machine yang boleh masuk duit kertas haha (bcs sangat malas untuk kumpul syiling nanti berat purse haha) 

Then the cafe ohmyy banyak sangat kiosk makanan I really thankful for that basically semua ada lah kat kolej ni
tempat print ada, kedai runcit ada, kedai jual jual buku (mostly fixi) pun ada, kedai dobi & jahit pun ada, kedai gadget pun ada, bilik jamming, library, bilik culture and arts yang ada cermin besar orang selalu buat bilik dancing tu pun ada haa banyak lah. 
Its so much fun here tho. Tandas awam pun cantik bersih gilaaaaaa Im telling you the truth. 
Surau dia Subhanallah sangat sangat lah selesa ikutkan hati nak pergi hari hari kat situ tapi sebab busy dapat pergi mcm twice a week mcmtu je. Surau zaaba sangatlah selesa, ada air cond, tak panas langsung then lantai dia ohmy lantai kayu tu pastu bersih gilaa and odorless! Tenang sangat bila masuk surau zaaba. :D 
Court pun basically semua court ada, court badminton ada, court tennis ada, court futsal (yang masuk dalam net tu) ada, court netball and volleyball. Ohmyy I love this college!

Fakulti aku pulak thank god dekat je dengan kolej so boleh jalan kaki pergi sana. Cuma bila balik jela agak mencabar sikits sebab kena mendaki bukit haha (alah macam tak biasa dulu kat matrik naik bukit). My faculty basically I could tell you it is the most comfortable faculty Ive ever had. No regrets. Bangunan dia actually still baru in 2000 rasanya (kira baru la tu kalau nak banding dengan faculty lain haha ) and nice to see bcs its so beautiful :D . Sangat tenang and greenery sebab my faculty adalah antara faculty yang berada di ceruk ceruk so haha agak tenang dari hustle bustle in UKM bunyi bas pun tak dengar. Everything in this faculty are just perfect seriously. Tempat belajar yang I think we can called it conducive with air-cond(s) everywhere (but sometimes I cant stand the coldness tho). Tempat dia bersih, the student centre pun selesa lantai kayu ada bean bags haha I love it. kat fakulti ada cafe and Im in love with all the menus. Semua sedap sedap from western to malaysian delights. Cuma, rate harga agak mahal la sbb fakulti kan, x ramai orang. Tapi mahal dia kira berpatutan la dengan apa yang dia serve. Contohnya, bihun sup semangkuk (besar mangkuk polystrene) harga RM4.00. Indeed mahal tapi semua ada dalam tu ada daging banyak, sayur semua mmg mencukupi la :DD Sedap plak tu. Kekadang ada laksa johor, mee kari (my fave) sedap gila! The lecturers pun semua baik baik sangat helpful sangat memahami omg they make me in love with my course. I had so much fun learning here seriously!

This is basically the view of my faculty. My tutorial class dekat aras 3 haha I take a lift sebab dah penat berjalan dari kolej so not going to climb up the stairs hahahah

But I have this kind of different personalities in different places. 
Ive 3 personalities when Im in 3 places: College, Faculty, SUKSIS. Its not that Im being hypocrite ke apa, no. Its just, I behave depends on my surrounding.

College: Well this is the place where I spend most of my time la. Biasanya kalau pi memana nak g makan ke apa ke aku pergi dengan roommate. Tapi aku mmg jarang keluar pun. Kalau keluar pun sebab nak g makan je kalau memalam tu kalau takde kerja memang tak la aku nak lepak luar haha. Imma bit crazier in the room sampai my roommate pun dah sick of me haha tapi dia la member borak aku, member yang layan kerenah aku, yang kena deal with my cranky-ness haha kalau bukan dia siapa lagi haha. My jiran pun sama matrik dulu so me myroommate dengan jiran sebelah kira rapat la juga. Basically I feel so real here.

Faculty: Theres no much different here. Kat sini I behave sikit la sebab lagi ramai orang kan jumpa. Kalau dalam kelas pun Im not really loud taktau kenapa biasanya aku bising je tapi masuk sini mcm behave pulak haha and of course Im with the girls group la kalau dalam kelas. Ada beberapa group girls juga dalam kelas tu tapi rasanya kat area aku ni ha yang bising sikit. We're not really berpuak cuma tempat duduk kitorang jauh jauh dengan group girls lain so susah la sikit nak communicate. Tapi kitorang okay je takde pun gaduh gaduh ke apa. My class ada chineese and malay je. My chineese classmates semua sporting, sangatlah sharing orang orangnya tak kedekut ilmu pun, kelakar pulak tu *emoji gelak nangis* not bad lah all my classmates they're just fine and some of them kinda close jugalah mcm Izzati, Fiza, Farah **hey there** Izzati biasanya selalu jadi partner breakfast aku haha. I think Im more matured bila kat fakulti la sebab tak banyak benda pun nak borak sebab semua focus time belajar **ceh ceh** You should see me focusing in the class bcs its so rare haha . You know what, I never sleep in tutorial class which I find it really impressive! **Except for the lecture classes sebab duduk dan dengar dan take note sahaja so agak boring for me so agak sleepy hoho tapi lecturer sangatlah pandai menarik minat saya kembali dengan kahoot.it . You guys yg dah masuk belajar ni mesti familiar kan dengan kahoot? Haha aku lah antara manusia yang sangat bersemangat bila kahoot pastu bila nampak nama kat top 5 ranking tu rasa cool gila bhahha yela dalam over 170 something dalam lecture class tu tak ke rasa cool bila kau jadi top 5 haha bangga kan tipu tak bangga kahkah tapi time internet slow hm hm jangan harap la nak top 5 haha takpe yang penting jawapan semua betul tu yg penting ho ho ranking doesnt really matter la asalkan kau paham dalam kelas haha k

SUKSIS: Ive to admit that Im kind of pendiam & introvert here. Idk tapi nak dibandingkan dengan orang lain, aku kira kategori pendiam la idk maybe masih baru lagi for me and takde siapa pun aku kenal dalam suksis sebab masa aku join tu member member aku semua taknak join so I ended up alone la masa masuk suksis tu. Ada je member baru dalam kalangan suksis tu cuma aku la yang tak banyak cakap.  But Ill try my best here, Ill try to improve myself sebab self esteem aku low sangat Idk maybe because Im too much overthinking and its killin me inside. Maybe it takes time for me to adapt dengan surrounding ni so wish me all the best k :DD Ill do my best!

Im kind of enjoying my life here as UKM Student so I think its a wrap abt my life for now Idk bila lagi boleh update blog haha see you later thanks for reading byeee :D

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